Automation of VSTi Spitfire audio

I don’t understand, I used my keyboard to record automation during the recording of the Spitfire BBC Violins track, and when I want to see them (expression and dynamic midi CC) I see nothing I know there are here because when I listen the track I can distinguish the automation in the playing but nothing inside the automation’s track else if we can see in the background of the clip there are automations … !?

midi cc is not automation…you’ll see it in the controller lane of the midi event.

Some discussion here on converting from cc to automation (or redirecting it to automation on record)

:open_mouth: ha ok

I used to be a Logic user (migrated to Cubase last year), and it operated this same exact way, and I’ve never quite understood the reasoning. Always drove me a little crazy. What is the difference, pros or cons? Why not just have it so event automation is visible on those lanes?

Maybe because these softwares all evolved from pure midi sequencers where there was no plugin or audio automation so made sense that all control was in the midi editor.

But you can redirect cc individually to automation lanes so the choice is yours.

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