Autosave and backups

Well… I guess you are saying that you do have several projects stored in one folder. If that is correct, then that means you have a project folder that contains several differently named .cpr files and subfolders named “Audio” & “Images”. These subfolders contain files that are (in some sense) associated with all of the project .cpr files.

To correct this mess this is how I would “fix” things and get them all into their own project folder. You will need to do this for each project .cpr:
1 - Using the computers “file explorer”, I would create a “Master” folder location in which all separate project folders will reside.
2 - Still using file explorer, I would create subfolders in the master folder named for each project (you could do this in Cubase during step 4 but I prefer this method so that the folders are already there).
3 - Now, in Cubase, open a project by clicking on the .cpr.
4 - Once the project is open I would do a File>Backup Project and save it to the already created folder (or, like I previously mentioned, you could create the folder during this step).

The result of this will be a project .cpr in its own folder and “Audio” & “Images” subfolders that will contain all of the files from the intermixed folders. But, the files in these subfolders will no longer be associated with any of the intermixed projects.

Now it is your choice to clean up these subfolders or leave them be. My opinion is to clean up the “Audio” subfolder so that it will only contain the audio files pertaining to that project. I would do this as follows:

5 - Open the pool by pressing ctrl+p.
6 - Right click on the “Audio” folder and choose “Remove unused media” and send it to “Trash”.
7 - Make sure the project is working properly.
8 - If it does work properly, then I would go back to the pool and right click on the “Trash” folder and choose “Empty Trash”. Beware that these files will not be sent to the recycle bin for recovery. They will be trashed forever.

Unfortunately you will have to do this for each project you want to separate from the intermixed folder.

BTW… for future projects you would save them in the “Master” folder created in step 1. Put that location into the Steinberg Hub field to the right of the “Use Default Location”. Then make sure to have the “Prompt for Folder Location” box checked. You will have to create the new project subfolder but, at least Cubase should start you at the “Master” folder location.

Yeah… I told you it gets confusing but, once you clean it up it is a piece of cake to maintain and your recent lists should work properly.

One more thing… if you are using a template when creating new projects, you need to be sure that the template itself was not created from a project with a shared pool. Take a look at this thread for more info.

Good luck.

Regards :sunglasses: