Avoiding double sharps/flats when transposing chord symbols?

I love the option to avoid double and triple sharps and flats when transposing, but it doesn’t appear to apply to chord symbols. Is there a way to do the same in chord symbols when transposing?

You might try changing these Note Input Options:


Thanks! I think that will work, though apparently it doesn’t change chord symbols that have already been input. I had a lead sheet that I had typed in one key, then transposed it, which caused double and remote accidentals. When I set that setting it didn’t change, and even when I transposed it to another key and then set it back to the previous key it came back with the double accidentals.

You can transpose the chord symbols via the Write > Transpose dialog, so it may yet be possible to get them into the desired key/spelling.

I think I’m having the same problem… I just tried transposing a whole score for jazz octet up from C to Db - the notes all avoided double flats like a dream but the chords didn’t. Is there a way to make Dorico think more simply with regards to transposition; i.e. in terms of semitones rather than specific intervals? I find the system of using minor 2nd vs augmented unison falls down when trying to transpose an entire score which contains multiple key changes within it.

Also is there a way of pasting parts of a score to a new key and Dorico automatically transposing it to that key? I don’t think I can find much use for copying something to a new key only for the notes to remain in the old one…

It would be safer to transpose each section in a new key separately or at least predict which keys would give Dorico or instruments therein difficulty and transpose those sections separately.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a faff, though… it would slow me down a lot (which I can’t really have) and also increases the possibility of mistakes happening. I just need to be able to select all, go to a transpose dialogue box, select what key I wish to start in (and whether the notes are getting transposed up or down) and click apply. Keeping my fingers crossed, lovely people at Dorico… :crossed_fingers:t2: