Hi there,
I hope someone can help me out with a recent issue:
I’ve installed all drivers and Set-Up Nuendo 11 (Pro) in the right way and it was working fine.
I’ve tried out several settings as I’m still experimenting with the the right (and most simple) system set-up between the AXR4-U and Nuendo.
(to avoid fiddling around (by other users) with unused channels and settings)
But my system has lost all output lines, except the stereo out (Line 1 and 2).
De-installing and re-installing Nuendo and the AXR4U driver didn’t change anything…
Except that I have now 3 times the AXR4 inside Nuendo, which can’t be deleted at all, and I have just 1 HW…
And the ASIO Driver from Steinberg / Yamaha shows only 2 channels.
(From this point of view, it’s just logical, that Nuendo can recognize only 2 channels).
I’m really lost and don’t know where else (in any settings) I have to look for.
I know, that with a clean and new Windows installation it will work fine again, but I can’t re-install windows from the scratch, every time when Steinberg SW has some troubles…
The AXR4 Application is working well and showing me all the channels, which are correct routed inside the Matrix Router.
Are you selecting the AXR 2TR asio driver by accident? - Thats for loopback. You either want the High Precision driver for 32bit recording or the normal AXR driver.
I don’t have any different driver…
So the Yamaha / Steinberg driver is installed…
Can you send me a screen shot, how it shall look like?
I’m just re-installing the driver again…
You were right. The ASIO driver was selected by mistake.
As I was working in the past with it, it seems that I got lost.
Selecting the right driver and it works fine again.
Thanx for the hint to refresh my tired brain…
Just like to note on the key point of this issue:
If you are working (like me) only sometimes with the HW (AXR4) connected to the PC (or different HW’s) but are using Nuendo, you have to take care of the driver selection. If the HW is not connected, you’ll get a selection choice for other drivers, which will remain. Doesn’t matter which project settings you have stored.