
I understand the “safety” limitations of later versions of android. However i am a backup nut, especially when it comes to projects i am working on. I know that real time backup sync to the cloud has its complications. That being said it would be more than awesome to have automatic scheduled backup, even to a storage folder or sd card. Ever since Android has made access to root folders (without root) impossible, the fact that i have to manually export or share projects to save them is inconvenient at least and “oh-dear-god-i-hope-i-exported-my-project-before-i-dropped-my-phone-in-the-toilet” terrifying at worst. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add an automatic backup to sd or something. Surely I’m not alone in this… :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Anyone?

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Hi @TruTheaterRadio

Thanks for your message.

Please take a look at the “MediaBay” chapter of the Cubasis help to learn more about the available options to create backups of your data:


This worked for older versions of android before 13 but these folders cannot be accessed no matter what file manager i use. And even if i could, it still requires manually copying those files/folders to another location. Apps like Autosync and X-plore USED to allow me to schedule backups. However, as stated before, this is not possible. This is why my feature request is to have an automatic backup native to cubasis of ALL cubasis app data to another location. It’s really the only feature that makes cubasis 3 not perfect.

P. S. I am very familiar with android os and i can only access /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.steinberg.cubasis3 folder on rooted devices. And I don’t want to HAVE to root.

Hi @TruTheaterRadio

Please use the app “Files” by "Marc apps & software” which will work as expected. The Cubasis help will updated shortly, including the app recommendation for Android OS 14 users.


I truly do appreciate your efforts in this matter and kudos of finding one of the few (if only) apps that allow for access to the data folders. That being said, this still requires manual copying of files for backup. Automation has become the standard in many applications where work is being performed. I don’t expect steinberg to add this feature overnight, and I am grateful for you finding at least a temporary solution to backing up (even if manually) my projects data. I will just be looking forward to a cubasis native automatic backup to external source that will be android update resistant if not proof. I will leave this topic at that in hopes that it makes it up the chain. Thank you again. P.S. Cubasis 3 is hands down the best.

Here’s my take on it: using office 365 cloud backup is a smart move. It’s like having a digital safety net for your important files, whether it’s work docs, family photos, or that killer playlist you’ve curated. Plus, it’s all about convenience. You can access your stuff from anywhere with an internet connection, which is a game-changer when you’re on the go.