I have the box of “Show bar numbers at rehearsal marks” unchecked. Why is the bar number still showing up at the rehearsal mark? And how can I avoid collisions with bar numbers and clefs?
Can you please upload a small portion of this project and we can quickly check it out.
Intro Kheyli Fori.dorico (1.5 MB)
I haven’t looked at this yet but try changing the bar numbers to above the staff. I know you don’t want them there but just see what happens.
I seem to recall that the hide-bar-number-at-rehearsal-marks only works when they would collide (i.e. above the staff)…
(I deleted my other posts and unified all the informations in this post)
Hi @sttrumpet,
The Engraving option that you are looking for is this :
Engraving Options/Bar Numbers > Clefs > Minimum gad below treble G clef
(You reduced -in the bar numbers Layout Options- the Minimum distance from staff to 1/2 space (default is 2 spaces). This Engraving option compensates for that Layout Option):
(You are using Finale Broadway (Text) as music (and text) font. That may have some different spacings than Bravura and Academico… but I am not an expert of this…)
Another option that you could change, to avoid the collision with the clefs, is this:
Here the Manual:
FWIK not showing the bar numbers at the same rhythmical position of rehearsal marks applies only if the bar numbers and rehearsal marks are on the same staff side, to avoid a collision between the two. So all as expected here (but I may be wrong).
That said, you can hide the bar numbers when rehearsal marks are present, from the Properties Panel.