Using correct settings, but bar 2 (and bar 6) refuses to notate correctly. Please help
L0244CHO Wrong.pdf (60.1 KB)
L0244CHO Wrong.dorico (967.0 KB)
Using correct settings, but bar 2 (and bar 6) refuses to notate correctly. Please help
You can have per flow different Notation Options.
Make sure you select the right flow.
[edit] I just noticed, your project has one flow only…
Was this an XML import?
no. not an XML import
Update (strange) if i restate 4/4 before offending bar it corrects for both bars 2 and 6
Edit. And then when i remove the unnecessary meter, its fine. seems to be a bug. Something with the pickup?
Hmm. Curious.
Fix: Add a temporary 4/4 at the first full bar. Delete and replace the pickup 4/4,1.5 . Delete the temporary 4/4.
It should not work like this!
I just tried this with a file with no pickup, same issue, adding 4/4 helped, but as soon as i remove…
I applied my fix (exactly as stated) and this is what I get…
L0244CHO Wrong-edit.dorico (789.3 KB)
Ty. i think a corrupt template that i had, recreated (first deleting meter), seems to be fine. ty for your help
I can confirm, I opened your file, deleted the time signature and re-input Shift-M 4/4,1.5 Enter - and it looks right.
L0244CHO Right.dorico (1.1 MB)