Bar Split

Using correct settings, but bar 2 (and bar 6) refuses to notate correctly. Please help

L0244CHO Wrong.pdf (60.1 KB)
L0244CHO Wrong.dorico (967.0 KB)

You can have per flow different Notation Options.
Make sure you select the right flow.
[edit] I just noticed, your project has one flow only…

Was this an XML import?

no. not an XML import

Update (strange) if i restate 4/4 before offending bar it corrects for both bars 2 and 6

Edit. And then when i remove the unnecessary meter, its fine. seems to be a bug. Something with the pickup?

Hmm. Curious.

Fix: Add a temporary 4/4 at the first full bar. Delete and replace the pickup 4/4,1.5 . Delete the temporary 4/4.

It should not work like this!

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I just tried this with a file with no pickup, same issue, adding 4/4 helped, but as soon as i remove…

I applied my fix (exactly as stated) and this is what I get…
L0244CHO Wrong-edit.dorico (789.3 KB)

Ty. i think a corrupt template that i had, recreated (first deleting meter), seems to be fine. ty for your help

I can confirm, I opened your file, deleted the time signature and re-input Shift-M 4/4,1.5 Enter - and it looks right.
L0244CHO Right.dorico (1.1 MB)