Thanks for the terrific help here on this site, but I keep running into problems that the help files don’t fix. I’ve finished my big band chart and am formatting pages, but now my bari.sax part won’t switch to treble clef and transpose. My tenor sax parts transposed perfectly, but when I try to change the clef in write mode it only changes to treble clef for the first bar. I’ve tried to find a global setting but nothing seems to work. What am I doing wrong?
Sorry. That makes no sense at all. Upload the file and you will get help.
Hi. Is this an XML import? If so, you might want to reassign the bari sax instrument (although it looks correctly assigned, XML imports often don’t have the correct instruments wired under the hood as they should). In Setup mode, little player menu (next to the instrument’s name)>Change instrument >choose the baritone saxophone that suits you (I don’t know about that instrument, from memory, if there are different choices for clefs in transposed view).
When you add a clef, use the caret. This will prevent you from selecting several items which could give that clef a definite duration, in which case Dorico now changes the clef for that duration only, and then reverts to the previous one (a behavior I find quite practical).
No, this is not an XML import. I created this score on my own starting with the big band template in Dorico. That’s why I’m surprised and frustrated that the bari. sax part won’t transpose into the treble clef. Yes, you want to have it bass clef when writing the score, but I would imagine it’s supposed to transpose automatically in the part.
How do I do that? When I tried to upload the score I was told the file is too big.
Make a copy of the file (save as…)
Apply the Silence playback template to the copy. The copy should now be small enough to upload.
@arranger2 did you add the bari with treble chef and later changed the clef to bass? I had this problem once. Solution for me was:
Add a new instrument. Assign baritone sax bass clef concert pitch. Copy all the music you have to this new bari sax, check if this works, if so delete the otherone.
Thanks for that but it’s still not working. I must’ve switched something but I haven’t a clue what. I tried to change the clef to treble in transposed view but that just changed the first bar and left an orphan bass clef in the second bar where it all changed back to bass clef. I highlighted m.2 to the end of the piece and inserted a treble clef but now I have two orphan clefs:one bass and one treble. This is frustrating…
I have no idea how to do that. Clicked “save as” and got no option to SIlence playback. What about project template?
Brilliant. I should’ve though of that! However, I’ve got another snag that I have undoubtedly caused. In trying to fix my initial problem I have somehow inserted a bass clef in the second bar that I can’t make disappear, so when I employed your ‘fix’ it still jumps into the bass clef from measure 2 on. Any idea how I can dispose of that unnecessary and problematic bass clef?
Hi again. I figured out how to get that mystery bass clef out, so I’m OK now. There is one thing, though, that I’d like to learn and that is how to show the bari.sax part in bass clef when I’m in concert pitch display. Right now it shows in treble with, of course, a ton of leger lines. Thanks again for taking the time to help me!
Brilliant. I should’ve though of that! However, I’ve got another snag that I have undoubtedly caused. In trying to fix my initial problem I have somehow inserted a bass clef in the second bar that I can’t make disappear, so when I employed your ‘fix’ it still jumps into the bass clef from measure 2 on. Any idea how I can dispose of that unnecessary and problematic bass clef?
If I add a Baritone this way
The score in concert pitch looks like
And the parts as
You can make overrides here
Thank you so much. I had to fiddle with settings inside that part editing are, but I finally got what I want and need. Thanks again!
Got it. Thanks!
I think I’ve figured it out. Thanks for your time and advice!
If you added the wrong Baritone Sax instrument, you can always just add an explicit clef at the very beginning then define the concert and transposed definitions to be different.
Thanks for that. What menu is that under?
Just right-click the clef. It has to be an explicit clef that you added, not a default clef.