Bars & Beats Header

When I am working on a project at times the bars and beats header scrunches up the increments from say bar 0 the start to aproximately bar 16. In other words the 1st 16 bars or so end up about 1/4 the size in lenght as the rest of the bars. I am not sure but it might be related to dragging and dropping a new Superior drummer midi part onto a midi track that had prior midi data in it. However that dropped midi section is only 4 beats typically in length. Thus the amount the increments bunch does not match that. I am trying to watch and see at what point this happens when it does it, but so far have not found it real time.

If you have that answer, which is probably something simple I am being a bozo about. Then possibly you would have a quick fix for it on the cuebase menu?
