I have searched for and read many items regarding this, but have only seen incredibly convoluted methods to achieve the following-no key signature score (atonal), bass clarinet in score at concert pitch in bass clef, with the bass clarinet part appearing transposed the usual whole step plus octave up, appearing in treble clef. I have not managed to arrive at that - isn’t there a simple, automatic way, as there should be? And yes, sorry, coming from Finale, where this is extremely simple …
Either use the instrument already set up that way …
… or add an explicit clef (i.e. not the default clef) at the beginning, then right-click it and pick the desired concert or transposed clef:
Pretty simple in Dorico too.
Thanks, but doesn’t work for me. I am probably doing something wrong, but it’s not evident to me what. If I change the clef in the part it doesn’t show the correct transposition (only one whole step).
Also - as a check I added a new staff with a bcl as instrument from the menu you show - same thing, score and part show the same clef, if I change it, they both change.
(not so?) simple …?
In my experience a concert score shows bass clarinet where it sounds in bass clef, and in the part transposed (up whole step+octave) in treble clef. As far as I am aware, that’s the norm.
Did you set the appearance of the score to concert pitch (bottom left of the window)?
yes I did
I have no idea what you’re doing wrong. Here’s a gif where I add a bass clarinet, enter a few notes, then switch back and forth between concert and transposed, and it correctly switches clefs:
that’s exactly what I am doing. could it have anything to do with having imported this score from an mxl version?
when I create a new project with a bass clarinet, following your (very nice!) video, then it works
Yeah, I’d really recommend learning Dorico with Dorico files, not MXLs. There are a gazillion possible issues with MXLs, so it’s best to learn how Dorico works, and what it’s capable of, then tackle MXL issues once you have a better grasp of the program. First of all, does Finale even import that MXL correctly? If Finale doesn’t import the clefs correctly from its own MXL, then it’s very unlikely Dorico will. Even if Dorico defaults to the “wrong” Bass Clarinet instrument, you can always change it in Setup to the “correct” one, or just add a clef and manually do it yourself, like my #2 example where I added an explicit clef.
right, got it, thanks