Bass Drum Instrument Not Playing Back

Hello! I am wondering why my piano track is sounding but the bass drum is not. Both the instruments are listed on the Dorico playback, but you can only hear the piano. Is there any way to get both instruments to sound? Thanks!

Welcome to the forum @Samantha_Yetter.

More information might be needed. Sharing your file here may be necessary.
One thing to check is to make sure you don’t have more than one note in the piano part selected ( check in write mode).
Selecting more than one note solos that instrument.

I’ve added a lot more to this to work with the VSTs, I’m still not getting the bass drum.
Composition Beginning.dorico (732.4 KB)

I’m only seeing four instruments in your score: woodblock, glockenspiel, xylophone, and piano.

I couldn’t get all those to play until I reapplied the playback template which you should try. (From play menu at very top of screen>playback template.

Edit: Looking at it again, before I reapply playback the xylophone line is playing a (bass) drum sound. After reapplying, it plays the xylophone.

So the problem appears to be the assignments. You need to reassign the xylophone to a bass drum.

If this doesn’t work, I’m certain that someone with more expertise will show up and help you.

Yes, there is no Bass Drum in this project.

I’m not sure if you want the Xylophone staff to:

  1. Look and sound like a Bass Drum, or,
  2. Look like a 5-line staff and sound like a Bass Drum, or,
  3. if you want the Xylophone player to also play a Bass Drum.

If it is #1, do this:
Setup mode > right-click on the Xylophone Player > Add Instrument to Player > (search for Bass Drum and add) > Remove Xylophone from Instrument list. (You can’t change a pitched instrument to an un-pitched one, which is why you need to add and remove etc.)

If it is #2, you’ll need to change the instrument inside the VST. I’m not sure how to describe this in simple terms, sorry.

If it is #3, do this:
Setup mode > right-click on the Xylophone Player > Add Instrument to Player > (search for Bass Drum and add)

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