I have slightly over a thousand Finale files scattered all over the place. One of these days, those files will no longer be accessible. Before that happens, I want to be able to convert those files into an accessible form.
It seems to me that the form most likely to be usable is MusicXML. I tried converting a few of my larger Finale files into MusicXML and was able to obtain files that, when loaded into Dorico, gave me scores that would be useful with relatively little tweaking. That’s great!
However, Finale has no way of automatically generating MusicXML from all those scattered files. The closest I can come is to convert all the Finale files in a single folder to MusicXML.
Aha! I thought–this is easy. Just take all those Finale files, copy them into a single folder, batch convert them there, then copy all the resulting MusicXML files back into the original folders. A simple matter of programming.
And in fact, it was simple: Maybe 15 minutes’ work gave me a single folder with copies of my thousand plus Finale files in it. So I launched Finale and set it to work converting all those files to MusicXML.
It failed spectacularly. The problem is that Finale converts a file by opening it in a subwindow, converting it, and then writing the MusicXML–but it doesn’t close the subwindow. That means that Finale starts consuming ever more memory, until it crashes altogether.
So here’s my plea: Can someone who is working on the MakeMusic transition please give us a way to look at what might be a huge folder, find every Finale file therein, convert it to MusicXML, and then, when it’s all done, give us a report about any files that failed to convert?
Being able to–in effect–salvage as much useful information as possible from Finale files would be a great way of gaining confidence that when Finale stops working outright, it will still be possible to have access to the music I’ve written over the years.