Hi everybody
Thanks for making SL such a great tool.
Here what I want to be able to do. I’m a sound recordist and want to be able to quickly use the Voice DeNoise processor of Poly Wave files I’ve recorded in the field - EFP/ ENG recordings - and noise reduce each channel separately.
So, how about SL identifying multi-channel Poly Wave files, and perform Batch Processing on each channel individually - it can be the same processing, just not in stereo - and then create a new Poly Wave file with ALL meta data included from the original sound file - time code, channel names, scenes, takes etc - and the same channel count.
If I batch process a six-channel Poly Wave file - six mono channels - I want the output to be a six-channel Poly Wave with the same meta data.
That way, sound recordists, video creators will be able to take a day’s work of Poly Wave files, drop them into SL Batch Processor, make it perform Voice DeNoise on each sound file and channels inside, and then save new sound files with the same name in a different folder.
Gets me all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.
Because we all know that video editors will often do sound editing too to some extent, and if we can help them produce a better result, then it’s win-win.
Personally, I have 100% confidence in the SL Voice DeNoise, and it just seem to sound better and better with each update. It’s a fantastic tool.
Thanks in advance