Beaming and rests in 12/16

I’m a bit befuddled.

The first 12/16 is the default. But I wanted the beats grouped by 6, so, the second 12/16 is [6+6]/16. Sixteenths look great, but the rests are a bit verbose. Is there some magical incantation to get [6+6]/16 with logical (or less verbose) rests – basically a hybrid of [3+3+3+3] and [6+6]?


Use a hidden 6/8…?

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Indeed, workarounds are handy, but I like to keep Dorico in charge so I was hoping for a setting change, you know: set it and forget it.

Something like: regardless of grouping, use the longest possible rest duration.

Good enough solution, I guess.

I agree. Dorico does not seem to be handling the rests correctly.
It is the same in 12/8.

If one specifies [6+6]/8 we get a chain of rests:

Yet in [7+7]/8 amalgamates the rests:

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