I’ve found a bunch of (very) old topics about this, including a comment by Daniel as far back as 2018 stating that the rests in the example below should move up a space (I agree) and that that would be looked into:
Has there been any progress towards a setting that can fix this globally? I’ve combed through Engraving and Notation options to no avail, so I’m really hoping I’m missing something again. Fixing this manually in the properties for each individual rest is not an option in this piece. Thanks in advance!
I guess we have different beam placement settings then (I reset my project settings to factory to make sure I didn’t cause this myself). My beams hang from the staff lines, your beams are positioned on the lines, which I assume causes the collision to be large enough for Dorico to fix the position of the rests automatically. Changing beam placement settings could be a workaround but I’d have to look into other consequences that will have. I’d rather find a setting that fixes the collisions without first having to force them to be even larger.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll look into that as well, but frankly I also consider that a workaround I’d rather not apply because it will affect the whole project. Changing the outlook of an entire piece just to fix collisions that should not be there in the first place is a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Also, changing stem lengths (or beam placements for that matter) is often not at the discretion of the engraver.
For now I’ll keep grasping at the fact that Daniel said 6 years(!) ago that this should be fixed… I’d love to hear from the developers if there is an update on that (or if I’m missing an obvious setting somewhere, which has happened before ).
My screenshot came from a fresh project in which I used the Library manager to reset all settings back to factory, and only reapplied the Beam over rests setting in Notation Options>Beam grouping. I’ve attached a sample file with those settings: Beam rest collision test.dorico (452.1 KB)
Applying the Snap to staff line positions setting in Engraving options>Beams as @Alberto_Maria suggests indeed has the added effect of solving those collisions, because it prevents beams from hanging from a staff line. @benwiggy your beams also sit on the staff lines instead of hanging below them, which appears to be the final nudge that causes the rests to move up.
I think I might stick to that setting for now, even though I don’t prefer to apply that in every project.