Best NUENDO/CUBASE tutorials


I bought NUENDO 11 in summer 2021 and now I got my setup ready to go.
I invested in acoustic treatment, got myself some decent monitors, the AXR4U plus the Controller CC121.

I was only able to record some tracks in CUBASE AI, but was not able to get any sound out of NUENDO.

I used Logic 9 some years ago and did a few recording, but had a break from music for over two years. Now, I switched to windows and want to start mixing the old recordings, add some more tracks etc… By the way, the AXR4 sounds amazing!

My problem: I found it hard even to set up some basics in NUENDO and I don’t know how to get the DAW running. I watched some videos from Dom Sigalas and Chris Selm, great guys! But as far as I can see, Chris Selm only offers CUBASE courses.

My question: Does it make sense to get a CUBASE course, even if I work in NUENDO?

I also found these Italian guy, he offers a full NUENDO 11 PRO course

25 lessons a 45 min, but they go for over €700!
But you get a 50% voucher for Steinberg Software after your Final exam.

Any recommendations?

I also found courses for NUENDO 3 or NUENDO 5, but I guess that’s not up to date anymore.

Thanks in advance,

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Gregg Ondo has an online question and answer website that happens twice a week–4 hours on Tuesday and 4 hours on Friday. It is free from Steinberg. Most Cubase training applies to Nuendo. Gregg also takes questions about Nuendo, WaveLab, etc. Gregg’s Club Cubase is better training than you will find in PDF manuals, online tutorials, etc. You can watch Club Cubase as it happens or a link is pasted for each episode about an hour after the live stream ends. Gregg is one of Steinberg’s best assets. He is amazing.


Wow! That’s amazing :star_struck:, a real treasure, that will help a lot without breaking the bank!

I stumbled over another video, just a brief overview to get things started in NUENDO. It’s a masterclass for NUENDO 10.3, the closest I could find so far in regards to NUENDO 11.

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Here’s another great channel, actually for NUENDO 11, tutorial series containing over 20 videos!

I should have added: Club Cubase live streams on Tuesday from 12 noon to 4 pm EST and on Friday from 12 noon to 4 pm EST. Those times are forthe east coast of the US. After the live stream, each episode is put on YouTube. Here’s the link for today’s episode:

While watching the live stream, you can subscribe for free and be reminded of the next live stream. You can ask questions during the live stream or by email ahead of the live stream or just follow the questions of others. Gregg answers all questions, live and mailed in, by the end of episode.

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Great! Thanks so much @ronny45!

I just visited the Channel, they have an unbelievable archive including a search engine for specific themes. The search results will point you directly to a specific theme of a video, so you don’t have to watch the whole video!

Truly amazing!

Here’s the Link:

Here’s a link to the complete N10 Masterclass playlist:

And here’s a link to the Nuage learning list (that Eric made!), lots of good Nuendo material in here as well:

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Thanks @MonsterSP !
Great and very helpful, especially for „greenhorns“ like me :wink:!