Best Practices for orchestrating of long pieces: Navigation and space issue


I was wondering how you’d go about orchestrating a large piece. One of my main challenges, besides the memory issue, is going back and forth from one spot to another for copy-pasting, not enough space on the monitor.

I do greatly appreciate any help or suggestions in advance.

I am also hoping the freeze function(https://Freeze function in the future?) come to our rescue for memory as well.

This is a small thing, but holding down Shift allows the scroll wheel on the mouse to scroll left-right. I find this is invaluable for longer scores.

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Thanks Dan. I use this of course, as it is valid in Cubase.

However, I wish there was features like markers to jump to specific spots or a simpler mechanism such as Zoom MEM and Zoom ZAP in Cubase. for the latter, I would call it Skip Mem" and “Skip Mem” rather than zoom.

Ctrl-G is “go to bar #.” You can also select a rehearsal mark and press the right or left arrow to navigate the other rehearsal marks.


Me too. I’m going to see how much adding a 2nd monitor can help.

I have three monitors! I use large font and high resolution with blue light filters to defend yourself against digital eye strain. It is worth researching and paying as much as you can afford.

iMac at the top and two curved 32" at the bottom!


Having two monitors revolutionizes working with Dorico or any other computer-based music creation software. After years of “flying solo” I was able to get a second monitor last year. What an advantage!

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