Better Multi-Note MIDI Editing/Infoline

This is one of those non-sexy improvements.

It’s very nice that you can select a bunch of notes and then raise or lower their velocity and what not. And the way you can grab an edge and drag one side up and down is even cooler.

But that could be extended a LOT. And what’s not so cool is that there is no slick connection with the Infoline.

If you grab the right side of a group of note velocities to angle them upwards or downward, the value in the Infoline should be the FIRST note selected. That way, you could precisely move the value of the angle up/down in specific amounts rather than having to guess with the mouse.

If you grab the left side of a group of note velocities to angle them upwards or downward, the value in the Infoline should be the LAST note selected. That way, you could precisely move the value of the angle up/down in specific amounts rather than having to guess with the mouse.

And then, you should be able to put the mouse on the center bottom of the group of notes and create a ‘convex arch’… again with precise values in the Infoline.

And then, you should be able to put the mouse on the center TOP of the group of notes and create an ‘concave arch’… again with precise values in the Infoline.

The point is that you should be able to move the mouse over -any- portion of the top or bottom of that white ‘box’ of selected velocities and the editor -knows- whether you want to move ALL notes up/down or one side up down (angle) or create a perfectly symmetrical curve.

+1 please. Good ideas for editing controller midi values. And I still don’t understand why we don’t yet have lines joining points in there as well, and with shaped curves between!! These are all things which would speed up midi composition quite a bit.
