Bit confused by updates?


A few months ago I upgraded from Cubase Elements8, to artist 8.5, My primary reason for this was to get access to VST Transit which I soon found didn’t suit my needs, due to not supporting 3rd party plugins.

I notice with the Cubase 9 release they are now advertising the support of third party plugins but this feature I assume has not materialised in artist 8.5?
Does anyone know if artist 8.5 and particularly transit will be further updated? or will I be forced to upgrade further?


VST Transit 1.5 (which supports 3rd party plugins) was released with Cubase 9. But VST Transit also works with Cubase 8.5 - just start your VST Transit and it will automatically update itself to the latest version.

Have a nice day,

Many thanks (Very Excited)