I have old Ketron Sd1 added as a external instrument,
I’m using 2x5 pin midi din cables.
Everything was fine on midi input and output but I’m now having no luck recording midi.
When I import a midi file into cubase everything plays fine and I can hear all the sounds from the external instrument.
When I try to record midi, I can see midi input signal but can’t hear it and can’t record midi.
I have tried changing various midi preferences in cubase but still no joy.
I have reinstalled cubase and reinstalled audio interface drivers.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I’m hoping it’s just something silly that I have over looked
Double-check the Preferences > MIDI > MIDI Fileter. By default only SysEx is enabled on both sides. Also ensure, the Channel Filters are not enabled. Please, attach a screenshot, it’s hard to know, if the Channel Filter is On or Off.
Also double-check the Studio > Studio > Stup > MIDI Ports Setup. Do you use any MIDI Remote? Attach a screenshot, please.
Thanks Martin I’m going to do what you said and also check how I’ve configured the external instruments.
I need to step back from it for a couple of days.
I’ll let you know how I get on
Hi Martin you solved it in one.
It is in the Midi Channel Filters, it is difficult to see if they are on or off,I’ve switched on all 16 channels,recording mudi perfectly.
Thanks Terrie
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