Bizarre select-more behavior

Can someone explain to me why I cannot select-more multi-bar rests in engrave mode, but if I adjust the position of the multi-bar rests, I am thereafter able to select-more any of the numbers/H-bars throughout the flow that have been adjusted?

As an example:
multi-bar test.dorico (599.1 KB)

If you select the first multi-bar rest in the flugel part, then select-more, the fourth one will light up. That’s because I adjusted the position of the first and fourth of these, but not the others. I’m not sure why Dorico would allow one and not the other.

Could it be that you can only select explicit rests (the ones you deliberately put in with forced duration and the ones you changed graphically)? All other (the usual rests) are not existent, they are just displayed by Dorico, because there are no notes.

I suppose so, but why? If I select a text item, or a chord symbol, or pretty much anything else, and then select-more, I can increase the selection. Why would this item be different? I guess it’s a rhetorical question, but I’m getting a little tired of individually selecting rests.:slightly_smiling_face:

I think you have your answer: Select More only selects “real” things and multi-bar rests that haven’t been edited are not “real”, so there’s nothing there for Dorico to select. I do appreciate that it’s not possible for you as the user to tell whether something is “real” or not just by looking at it!


Apologies if I’ve missed any earlier discussion, but would it be worth considering making the “unreal stuff” a distinguishable color onscreen?


I would support this. Or better yet, make everything selectable. I mean, the “unreal” rests ARE selectable, but ideally they would behave like anything else, right?

fluorescent pink!


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I’d be quite happy if multi-bar rests could go grey along with implicit rests.

But if they go grey then wouldn’t that mean that they can’t be edited at all? That would be bad for me.

No, only if they’re unedited … Just like regular rests that can been shifted.