[BON-12586]Ruler state not saved with workspace setting

I recently installed 8.0.30 and discovered that the ruler had been forced to time code. I previously had it set to bar/beats. I change it to bar/beats and update my workspace. When I change to a new workspace and then back again the ruler has flipped back to time code again. Doesn’t matter what I do I can’t now save the ruler state with a workspace.

Any workaround for this? This makes workspaces unusable

Edit: I found solution go to top menu Project/Project Setup and change “display format” to Bars+Beats.
It will be cool if workspaces can remember time format too.

It’s IMO a bug. Switching to the mixer and back to the project changes the ruler always to seconds. This should not occur.
Mods, please add this as an issue.

+1 highly annoying

+1, still not fixed in

still not fixed - still highly annoying


Not a bug, but a feature request, it works as intended and it is something that needs to be implemented.

Best regards,