Bowing Notation for Percussion Instruments

I’m trying to notate bowing on percussion instruments (vibraphone, tam tam, etc.). I don’t see anything that does this. Am I missing it?

“Bowing” or “sticking”?
I suppose the instruments you mention could be sounded with a bow. I suppose you would simply include a note describing what you want.

I usually use “arco” for this, and just now I was able to select “arco” from the right-hand panel for a gong part. It’s listed under String techniques, but it works on percussion instruments too. You could also use shift-X text and say “arco with bass bow”.

I like the arco suggestion. I will add a note in the preface explaining what these means in the score. I have used these techniques in pieces before so I know they work and percussionists should be familiar with them.
