
In Write mode there is no bracket on the Woodwinds

While Engrave mode shows the bracket:

This has the negative consequence that film score style time signatures don’t show until I scroll way down.

Is there any way to fix this?


I assume you have a custom bracket and barline change at the start of the project. Make sure View > Signposts > Hide Signposts is not activated, so you can see the signpost for the bracket change. Select the signpost and hit Delete.

Hi Daniel, thanks for the reply – I’ve not been able to look at the computer until now. You are absolutely right. Deleting the Bracket change helped.
What I’m wondering is: Would it be possible to assign brackets in Write Mode? Doing it in Engrave mode with condensing can be tricky if not impossible when dealing with condensing since condensing doesn’t always let you select bars.

Also, I would expect that bracket changes were mirrored. Am I wrong to assume this?

You can select any entries on the system where you want to change bracketing.

What do you mean by “mirrored” in this case?

Mirrored in a way that when I set the bracketing in one place it is reflected in the other. As I say in my original post when working in galley view with film score time sigs there’s suddenly no time sig navigation for the first 21 staves.

Not my experience:
CleanShot 2024-09-03 at 09.53.28
What am I doing wrong here to create a sub-bracket for horns?

Oh, I see – It’s because we cannot select anything on condensed staves. You have to turn off condensing temporarily to make your bracketing changes.

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Thanks, Mark. That makes perfect sense! I’m still figuring out the workflows of when to turn on and off the different functions to access features :slight_smile:

Daniel, I found out the culprit.
Moving the woodwinds bracket all the way up to the conductor staff gives me the bracket and time sigs:

The way I want it, though, is bracket only up until first player and time sigs on first player with the conductor staff only for sync points.

But this removes the time sigs in galley view.

Noticed this now:

If brackets can’t be inserted in Write Mode, how do you ensure it also catches all the auxiliary instruments?

You have to turn off staff-hiding temporarily as well.
Layout Options > Vertical Spacing.> Staff Visibility

Then the bracketing will apply consistently through the score.

Don’t turn off condensing, and don’t turn off staff hiding.

In Engrave mode, marquee select some notes- this is possible - then add the bracketing change.

In my experience, changing bracketing on a system with hidden staves may not get them all, if they are outside the bracket on the visible staves.

Staff hiding is turned off. To my knowledge hiding auxiliary instruments is automatic and independent of staff visibility.

Only if there is music. As you can see from my post yesterday, when the Horns rest on the first page it is not possible to select anything, and therefor the bracket change will be many bars or pages later.

And now this is how Write Mode compares to Engrave Mode:

Moving the bracket in Engrave Mode to include Contrabassoons removes the bracket in Write Mode.