Brand new Cubase 11 Artist installation on new 64bit computer crashes on startup

Can be helpful eventually , but a basic analysis in WinDbg Preview doesn’t find an obvious culprit.

But it does flag elements that interact the UR-C driver. So we should rule that out first.

Can you uninstall the UR-C driver, restart the PC and see if Cubase will launch?

Aha - it is the UR-C driver that’s causing it to crash. I uninstalled it and opened up Cubase using the Generic Low Latency driver and it worked perfectly. I then reinstalled the UR-C driver and it opened up ok first with the generic low latency driver, but after I changed it back to the UR-C driver, shut down Cubase and tried to open it up with this driver it crashed again on the startup screen. So it’s definitely this. Any idea on how I get my USB sound card to work now? No rush as I’m heading out now, but will check in later! Thanks so much for helping identify the problem!

I’m not sure if the UR-C driver is the actual culprit – I have seen similar crash logs on my machine, using my UR44C, but they are not persistent like what you’re seeing.

At this point what I would do is remove all Steinberg software User Settings, allow the sequencer to initialize.

they are in:

Let me know if you need more info to do that.

If the problem persists though, it’s a question for tech support.

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Thanks for your help. I tried this, but I still have the same problem. I’ll gte in touch with tech support.
