Hi! Brand new to SL11, and even more brand new to this forum… feels weird… I haven’t been a member of an internet message board since the MGS2 and SOCOM: US Navy Seals boards on GameFaqs were the most popular places known to teens across the world…
Anyway, I’m wondering (and desperately hoping) that I am somehow looking the ability to change the keyboard shortcut on one specific thing… You know how most of the tools can change between “Screen Units” and “Spectral Units”? Either up at the top where the the primary toolbar is, or by right clicking to bring up that “quick” menu (and I stress the quotation marks around quick) and then you can click a drop down menu, and then click again to choose between the two?
In the name of all things Holy and Sacred and half-way decent about humanity, please tell me there is a way to assign this switching to a keyboard key so I can just press one key to flip back and forth rather than 3 mouse clicks, 2 of which require specific placement of the cursor along with the click?
I don’t know about your workflow (like I said, I only just bought the program, but that is after using every last minute of the 30 day free trial) but the procedure I’m developing has me changing back and forth regularly… and with as often as I do so, the right click, aim click, aim click gets annoying real fast, especially because I also bought a drawing tablet to go with SL11, and am ripping my hair out trying to get used to that, and… it would be really awesome if I could just press a key, because to mouse onto the menu, I either waste a lot of time getting my pen to aim right on it, OR have to put the pen down and pick up the mouse and it’s driving me insane and actually woops, it just happened, right here as I type this to you, I just crossed over and was driving officially insane having to relive this trauma in order to tell you all the story.
I am doomed. And it’s all your fault. This is obviously the worst and most severe and most devastating #FirstWorldProblem anyone has ever had to deal with, and I’m really suffering really bad and really need help because reasons.
(Please note: what you just read is classified as SARCASM as well as [and more specifically] JOKES THAT AREN’T FUNNY).
Anyway, can anyone save me from this horror?
– Meece