Breath mark (comma) on all staves

Is it possible to have a breath mark (comma) draw on all staves instead of just on the top visible one?

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Not automatically, but you could:

  • Repurpose a caesura that you’re not using, by editing its appearance in Library > Music Symbols (then prevent it affecting playback, if desired)
  • Input breath marks on multiple staves at once by extending the caret to those staves prior to popover input
  • Input one breath mark, then duplicate to staves above/below (I’ve set key commands for these actions which come in handy: Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-N and -M, for consistency with other up/down staff-related commands)

All breathmarks should appear on any staff to which they are added (given that breaths may differ between parts).

As Lillie says, it’s well worth assigning shortcuts to Duplicate to Staff Above/Below. It’s a massive timesaver.

I’ve found Lillie’s second method above is excellent: The breath marks attach to everyone’s last sounding note (wherever it starts), and appear together at the caret position.

I believe this is mutually exclusive with the other methods, right?

This works also by pressing the item in the sidebar, but Dorico things for a good 1-2 seconds (on M3 Max) before adding them. Contrary to what @Mark_Johnson noticed, for me all breath marks attach to the caret’s rhythmic position, regardless of there being a note or not.

Yes, of course, I have the same key command set up.

It would be nice if one could know beforehand what holds apply to just one staff, what to a whole system, and what draws automatically on one staff or on all staves.

No, that is what I said, or tried to, anyway.

The bullet points I listed were each separate options, yes.

Unless you mean inside the app itself, can I direct your attention here.