Breath mark position: can you explain me?

Hello ,
I have a lot of breath mark to put on a sheet music, but I can’t understand the logic of the placement: sometimes goes to left and sometimes to the right of the notes selected.
and sometimes with the same note aftzer deleting the brearh mark and rewrite it, the position is not the same
here is an example with dorico 3.5 ( is it a problem only with dorico 3.5?)

best regards

My guess would be it’s because of the flat accidental in the second bar, the breath mark is being forced to the left to avoid colliding with it.

Do you get the same discrepancy if you remove or hide the flat accidental, and/or put the last empty bar in that system onto the next system, to allow for wider note spacing?

Thanks for your answer and you are right…but the problem is that I want to put breath mark to some music and after that transpose it in several other key so sometimes notes will be b,# or nothing!
What do you suggest me to ? To put the breath mark with glyph as text and use after in Engrave some offset? or something of which you have the secret?

Almost certainly simpler to use graphical offsets in Engrave mode for the original breath mark?

I tried but work for one or two break mark but after not for other one

If you need to have larger gaps between notes, in order to accommodate breaths, then you need to put fewer bars per system, and/or use larger spacing values.

But you should still be able to move the breath mark anywhere you want in Engrave mode. Can you show the problem with the one that wouldn’t move?

Thanks for your answer.
When I transcribe solo phrases, I like to do a combination of slur and breath to be sure not to lose any of the expression of the original and keep precision of interpretation . I’m not sure if this is conventional, but I like to indicate very short break of of sound with a breath mark.
Then when I transpose the phrases to work on it in several keys, the breath marks move (because of the alterations) and I have to go to Engrave Mode each time to move them
As these are improvisation licks, I don’t even use bars of measure and put like 192/4 as time signature.

In case you weren’t aware, Dorico has an open time signature, which won’t show any barlines at all until you explicitly input one. However, beaming is different (read: “all in one”) in an open meter compared to a very large defined meter.