Browser doesn't open for sign in, Activation Manager

I have purchased the updated version 12 of the Cubase
I’ve been trying hard since yesterday to log in on the but I couldn’t log in
I tried all the solutions on the internet, I changed the version of Windows
i try it in windows 10 21H2 and windows 11 21H2 but nothing change
my exatly problem is when i click on sign in buttom did’t open any defult browser and i cant sign in
Please send the solution quickly
Thank you

Do you have any anti-virus or network filtering software installed on your computers?


I get the same error. Disabling the antivirus software didn’t help either.

yes i has stop it but it’s didn’t help me

i am still waiting for your help

What is your default browser set to?

i tried all browsers chrome and firefox and Microsoft edge and Opra browser and i still have a same problem
i change my PC and My windows i still stop in this window

and i try to install Cuabse 12 from Steinberg download Assistant i get this error and i try do everything still same error

hope anyone can help me i bay cubase 12 since six month and i can’t work at it

Do you have any anti-virus or firewall software installed?

no i don’t have any anti-virus or firewall software installed
i stopped windows defender and fireware for windows still same problem
i bay Halion 7 and wavlab and have same problem
i don’t know what i have to do

i also purchased Wavelap pro 11 and i have same problem
please any one can help me
how i can active it offline

I am a long time Firefox user and had the same issue as you.
I finally figured out it was the tracking protection that was the issue.
Most modern browsers have some sort of internal tracking protection.
I got Steinberg validation to work with Edge and now I use Edge ONLY for Steinberg things and Firefox for everything else.
Open Edge and go to settings|Privacy,Search and Services.
Turn off Tracking Protection.
Clear the Browser Cache.
In Windows 10, Settings | Apps | Default Apps… Make Edge the default Browser (Important!).
Now try the Download Manager or Activation Manager.
Once you have installed Cubase, be sure to change your default browser back to whatever you use. If that is Edge then put back the heightened security features.


thank you for your replay
i try what you advice above step by step
i still have same issue

I know this is a while later, but I was experiencing this and the only thing that worked was for me to run a repair on the Activation Manager itself. if you look in the installation folder for the activation manager there is a .msi file. Click on it and it will ask if you want to modify, repair, or uninstall. I chose repair and after that, it all worked as it should again.

I had the same problem. I stopped the tracking protection and I ran the Activation manager in Admin mode and surprisingly It worked. Je job is not finished but some progress. It is ununderstandable that Steinberg is not giving any support on this problem …

Did this get solved? It’s a very big issue for us as it completely stops us using the software! @Ben_at_Steinberg

Would really appreciate a solution

Please let us know which browser you’re using and whether you have any application firewalls or anti-virus software which could be preventing URLs being launched from Steinberg Activation Manager.

Hi Ben,

Things I’ve tried (with no luck).
