Bug: Cubase 11 - right click 'remove from list' in hub has no effect

Can’t remove projects from list in hub by right click and “remove from list” - no effect.
Clicking a (now) non-existant project brings up the Remove/Keep dialog, and Remove then works.


This is known and already reported issue. Thank you.

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same prob too

Same problem thanks for reporting it!

Me too I’m afraid.


This is generic bug, every Cubase 11.0.0 installation is affected.

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This generic bug is implemented in 11.0.10 too. Will it be generic in 11.0.20?
After all beautiful new ideas about Hub functionality we have one big bug which pushes us to use generic features of Operational System. Then why we need Hub?

Anyway I would like to say that Cubase Pro 11 works like a space shuttle on my laptop :wink:


No, it will not. :wink: