BUG! Groove Agent 5 SE Style pattern is silent

Hi all, the style tab in Cubase13.0.30 and Groove Agent 5 SE is not producing any sound for some reason.
If for example I load a kit with patterns, and click the pattern when on MIDI tab, I Can hear the pattern.
If I go to style tab I can’t hear anything when clicking on the pattern pad, if I move from it to MIDI it also doesn’t change anything and clicking the “play” button in Groove Agent or playing in the DAW also does nothing.

Attached is a picture of the Style in GA5SE.

I think it is a bug because I’ve looked at videos of how to use this feature and there it seems to work.
But, if I’m using it wrong please let me know.


Anyone? Does it work for anyone?

Hi, @vorpal-blade

The problem is that we don’t see what’s in the right panel of your GA5SE set, the one that allows you to select kits, instruments, styles, and so on…

On my end, the Style panel works, as soon as I actually select a style in the right panel, otherwise, as you, nothing will come from it, and I think that it’s, at least, logical : no style chosen → nothing to hear…