Bug in wavelab 9?

I am currently working on a project where sample rate is 96 kh. My apogee ensemble has been working fine with my MacBook until yesterday…

“the vst audio connections are not valid. Check the vst audio connections dialog”

I keep selecting the proper sample rate but it seems to automatically switch to 44,1

When selecting 96 on software from ensemble and also in wave lab and Audiosettings on MacBook it does not recognize the sample rate and the Wavelab dialog tells me to switch the sample rate. It seems to go automatically to 44,1…

I need help!!!



Do you have other software in background with 44.1 kHz maybe
or do you work with Apogee ensemble perhaps in Auto Sync mode ?
Master is preferred to set sample rate at any rate with software
but works of course with Auto Sync too.
try make an test with file in 96 kHz and check.

regards S-EH