Bug: Opt+H not working in Engrave-Mode

Non-Critical Bug: (Dor 5.1Pro / macOS Sonoma 14.6.1)

Just FYI - In Engrave Mode “⌥H” keyboard-combo does not swap between the Hand and “Selection” tools. The “:arrow_up:H” combo for temporarily swapping works fine and ⌥H works fine in Write Mode.

(Sorry if this is not a good place for a bug report)

I can confirm on macOS 14.7.

I’m curious: on a Mac, do you actually use the Hand tool, rather than just using your input device (trackpad, mouse, etc) to move around?

Yes. When home, my laptop is on a stand and I use an external monitor/mouse/keyboard.

With the amount of screen real-estate all of Dorico’s panels require, I’m definitely grateful for the larger screen.

Alt-H on PC doesn’t work in Engrave mode either. Works fine in Write mode.