Bug: Trill interval only applies to first note

trill.zip (553 KB)

This bug occurs with all intervals, including p1, and effects playback as well as notation

I’m not sure quite how this constitutes a bug. If you have three adjacent notes that are not tied, Dorico sees them as three separate notes. You have to apply the interval property to each of them explicitly. If, on the other hand, you tie the three notes together, one interval property will suffice.

The interval property is applied to the tr, not, the note. Look at what object is selected.

The interval is a property of the note, though.

Well, at the very least the property should propagate, then.

Why? If you have linked trills with a key signature, you probably don’t want it to propagate, you want “diatonic” intervals on each note.

You don’t want the default trill to be F sharp to G sharp in this example!

If you want to abuse trill notation to mean a tremolo between two timps tuned to different notes, you can get what you want, but it’s still an abuse of the notation.
Trill intervals.png

The intital discover of the bug was: Select several consecutive timpani notes, Shift+O, “tr p1”… and confusion. I only used a wide interval in the example to make the problem more obvious.

After further review this is 100% a bug. There is NO trill interval property on notes that is settable via the properties panel.

You select the auxiliary note and set the property on it, exactly as showed in the screenshot I posted earlier it. Alternatively you follow the instructions in the manual.

If you really are stating that you can’t alter the interval property of subsequent auxiliary notes, please upload a zipped project that demonstrates the project.

how about this:

[attachment=1]Screen Shot 2020-06-18 at 4.29.01 PM.png[/attachment][attachment=0]Solution_tb.dorico.zip[/attachment]
Solution_tb.dorico.zip (555 KB)

in your project, for some reason the trill line is split into 3. this is weird, but not dysfunctional, as I can set the interval property still. Did you create it that way?

also, when I follow your example and chose all the timpani notes, type shift-o then “tr p1”, I still can choose the auxiliary notes as Leo described and change the interval property, which I have to activate first via the toggle.

“in your project, for some reason the trill line is split into 3. this is weird, but not dysfunctional, as I can set the interval property still. Did you create it that way?
also, when I follow your example and chose all the timpani notes, type shift-o then “tr p1”, I still can choose the auxiliary notes as Leo described and change the interval property, which I have to activate first via the toggle.”

Yes, it is intentional. I did the example to replicate the OP’s example and to show that playback could work (it didn’t in the OP’s original post).