Bugs, String Numbers, and Multi-Movement Works


I have recently begun using Dorico and am really enjoying it! The workflow works really well, but there are a couple things that I am not figuring out well.

  1. This may be a bug for polymeters: Whenever I try to have 3 meters concurrently, the system crashes. I don’t actually need to have 3 at the moment, but I wanted to lest the limits of the software. I am on a 2015 Macbook Pro (all software up to date, and am using Dorico 1.1).

  2. I would like to draw a line from my sul IV marking in the violin to where that should end. Is there a way to do this in Dorico?

  3. I am struggling to understand how the flows aid in multi-movement works. I am working on a 5 movement work at the moment, and am struggling on the process of getting it through the process of writing to engraving to printing.

  4. Text for titles, etc. Ideally the title should appear in a large text on the first page, and then movement titles in a smaller font size. I would also like to add a subtitle.

  1. just tried with 4, and no crash (yet :slight_smile: )

  2. Not really, but you can use the loco line e.g., and enter sul IV as text (shift+x) setting the background to cover the loco text…

  3. Flows are very handy once you get the hang of it. They’re not limited to movements, they’re rather a general aid to flexibilty, so a single movement may consist of many flows, if that is deemed practical.

  4. You can set your own font choices/sizes in Engrave/Paragraph styles. Also read up on tokens, which are placeholders for many common functions.

You can actually fake this using pedalling now. Pedal the entire selection, then go into engrave mode to move it above. In the properties panel, choose “pedal text” for sign appearance and enter Sul IV in the “Text” box. Use inverse hook for line end hook and you’re there. You can also have a dashed line by using the "continuation type, but then you will have the release pedal symbol at the end.

  1. Not really, but you can use the > loco line > e.g., and enter sul IV as text (shift+x) setting the background to cover the loco text…

This is handy! It won’t affect playback as poorly as faking with the pedaling line is.

  1. Flows are very handy once you get the hang of it. They’re not limited to movements, they’re rather a general aid to flexibilty, so a single movement may consist of many flows, if that is deemed practical.

I don’t see when that would be practical… Would you care to elaborate? This is one section that is so odd in comparison to Sibelius that I haven’t quite wrapped my head around it.

Here’s an example: