Building a new synth using Halion 7

Hi folks, If one can create a new synth using Halion 6, then no problem with Halion 7. I want to be able to get deeper in creating an advanced synth out of Halion. Is it possible that I could create a replica of a Casio VZ-1? The synth method utilized is Interactive Phase Distortion. Let me know what I need to do or learn in order to accomplish this feat. Thanks in advance.

You might start by looking at youtube. there is a video series about making an instrument called “the beard”. It will show how to create a custom instrument and assigning parameters to your custom macro page. After that the sky is the limit. You can map any variables or effects to your macro page and create your own instrument. there are a few steinberg synths that you can open in the macro editor and see the logic for how they were assembled. Also look at the making the “taped vibes” youtube series by Sabastian.

Unfortunately, there is no Phase Distortion oscillator module currently available…which I would welcome certainly.

+1 for this!

I’ve done it! It’s called A.T.S SKYFALL. It’s based on Halion but pushes things to the next level.

A. It is the world’s first “Augmented” synth. It has 4 extra audio engines (that run parallel with the main output" that you can select between "Air/SKY/Body/Gravity.

B. It has a SUPER DAC. This is a piece of mastering software that takes the preamp level of Halion and amplifying it, giving the synth a rounder bottom end. It also prevents that harsh thinness of VST’s.

B. Delta Meridian sound design. Essentially using massive layers and custom filters and DSP. D.M is about building the “machine” that makes the sound…not a preset. So you need attack layers. Secondary musical resonances. Just more DSP than has ever been used on any synth ever.

URS shouted it out on my SKYFALL YouTube channel when I compared it a while ago to some of his synths. Since then, it’s grown so much better sounding. Much more powerful.

Having the ability to add those frequencies onto a separate audio bus is game changing. I can eq out the boomy frequencies, then put a “Gravity” send and all of that low end comes back, but better. Tighter.

I will be posting videos soon of SKYFALL compared to all the other synths out there. I don’t anticipate that the industry has an answer to what has been accomplished here.

Plus I can upgrade the sound engine. The 4 WARP engines have been enhanced several times and the entire library automatically benefits as its universal programming in implementation.

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