C11: still NO vertical zoom on mouse wheel

sad but true

I’m not sure what you mean, mine works in the arrange window.

Not vertical, only horizontal.

If I use the mouse wheel up and down, the arrange window scrolls up and down (vertical), if I use the mouse wheel left and right, the arrange window scrolls left and right, (horizontal), am I missing something?

If I use the mouse wheel up and down, the arrange window scrolls up and down (vertical), if I use the mouse wheel left and right, the arrange window scrolls left and right, (horizontal), am I missing something?

they’re talking about Zoom, not scrolling.

Ah, sorry!

Hover over the +/- vertical zoom widget at the lower right corner of the project window and use the mouse wheel there.

Press shift+G or shift+H

Thanks for the workaround but we have been asking steinberg for this feature for years now, I think changing the look of the performance meter was more important

Completely agree, but for now, AutoHotKey is your friend. Here’s the script you need:

#SingleInstance, force
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Cubase shortcuts
#IfWinActive ahk_class SteinbergWindowClass
    ; Use Ctrl+Shift+scroll for vertical zooming
    ; (I found that using Send would also send the original modifiers in Cubase, while SendEvent
    ; worked as expected)
    ^+WheelUp::SendEvent, H
    ^+WheelDown::SendEvent, G
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yeah, I don´t understand how can we use autohotkey so easily and steinberg can´t seem to add this function.

I also added SHIFT+CTRL+WHEEL for wave zoom and poop+ALT+WHEEL for clip gain. It saves my minutes per day

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How can I use this “AutoHotKey” typed above?
When I say “Vertical zoom on mouse wheel” I mean (i’m on a mac) that if I hold Cmd and use the mouse wheel (on apple magic mouse the mouse surface is like a 2D wheel), moving my finger on the mouse, if I scroll left/right I have an horizontal zoom in/zoom out. If I scroll top/down I don’t have a vertical zoom (as aspected and as I see in many other DAWs) but again an horizontal zoom.
With no Cmd and no other keys holded, moving my finger on the mouse surface I have the correct scrolling of the project, as aspected.

Thank you

No AutoHotKey for mac, I’m afraid…

I’ve never used AHK before, could you give a basic walkthrough post-installation of AHK on how to implement your script?

Sure, it’s a simple as the following steps:

  1. Download and install AutoHotkey
  2. Create a file in your Documents folder (or similar) called something like “Shortcuts.ahk” and paste the code in the file shown above.
  3. Now just double click the Shortcuts file to make it run, you’ll see it in your system tray

If you want it to automatically start on boot, you can add a shortcut to the file to your Startup folder.

Let me know if you have any further questions and I’ll be happy to help :slight_smile:

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AutoHotkey is for Windows only…

Correct yep, there may be a way to do this on macOS using something like BetterTouchTool maybe? I never tried this myself when I was on macOS a few years ago though.