C14 bug: automation doesn't follow if you use "delete time"

I have an audio track containing some recordings and some automation. When I move the events around, the automation follows perfectly - no issues. Now if I use the “delete time” function of that track, the automation doesn’t follow the new position of the audio events in C14. It works perfectly fine in C13.

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This bug is still present in C14.0.10. Has anybody found a workaround?

Can anybody confirm this issue or has a workaround?


What exactly is selected, when you trigger the Delete Time function? Could you attach a screenshot, before you Delete Time, please?

Sure. Here’s a dummy setup showing the setup before and after I trigger Delete Time.
You can see that the automation is not attached to the audio event anymore. The same thing worked fine in older Cubase version so the bug was introduced in C14. And yes, I’ve checked the option that the automation follows events. When I more the event around manually, the automation follows correctly.

From your screenshot I see that you don’t include the automation in the range, thus it won’t be included in the objects to delete time from.

Here’s a test, where I include the automation in the range:

And when I “Delete Time” I get this (expected):

EDIT: But then I see that in CB12.0.70 for example, you don’t have to select the automation in the range as well. It will be deleted accordingly. So, I don’t know if this is a bug introduced in CB14 or a behaviour change of the range tool.

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That’s exactly the thing. Normally I put the audio tracks into a folder and activate the button to edit them as a group. Then I only need to select a specific range on one of the audio tracks and automatically the same range is selected on every other audio track in the folder however NOT on the automation. That’s the way it worked fine in all the older Cubase version. I then just “delete time” and the automation follows. Very cool workflow that’s now broken.

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@Martin.Jirsak can you confirm the issue?

And if I’m understanding the current situation correctly, the problem pointed out by @ColdSteel would occur any time there is any automation after the range’s right margin (the range that defines the time to be deleted). That could be a quite common situation.

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@Martin.Jirsak could you please have a look and verify the issue? Thanks!

Hi @ColdSteel ,

Confirmed and reported to Steinberg. Thank you.

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Workaround? Select the automation with the range?


Yes, then it works.

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Perfect, thanks!