and there is a message for Omnisphere too, but it’s working at least.
All plugins are legally installed plugins
-Auddict Hexeract
-(Omnisphere as said despite of error message, finally working…)
Regardless I can open this project on the same computer via C13, Hexeract and AudioGridder aren’t visible under C14, meanwhile they can be found in plugin-manager (C14)
Do you only see Agridder in C13 plugin manager or also specifically Audiogridder?
I wonder if they are not the same thing exactly…maybe different versions or something.
Hi! I see AG (and Hexeract) in both C13 and C14’s plugin manager. Name doesn’t differs, but of course tryed to find it manually in insert-plugin-listing.
I see the you have the arm64 tag on the AG plug in plugin manager.
Are you running arm or is this just a quirk of the plugin…and that’s also the same in C13??
Sorry I have no idea then…if plug shows in manager then regardless of issues opening in old projects you should definitely be able to select as a new insert.
You can see them in the plugin manager, but are they also included in your active plugin collection on the right side of the plugin manager window. If not, they won’t be available for project use.
Also, Audio Gridder (listed as AGridder in my plugin manager) on my system shows up as an X64 plugin, not Arm64, so not sure what’s going on there.
On my Nuendo V13 system Audiogridder shows up in plugin manager as AGridder for VST3 and AudioGridder for VST2.
On my Cubase V14 machine I get the same thing if I enable the VST2 switch in the plugin manager… AGridder for VST3, AudioGridder for VST2.