Some background:
Like many, I’ve been using Steinberg software since Pro24 in the 1980s. I own multiple licences of more or less everything: Wavelab, Cubase, Nuendo, Absolute, Iconica etc. I’ve bought EVERY version of Cubase (and Wavelab) up to and including version 13. In my opinion it’s still the best DAW there is…fact.
In short, Steinberg, I’m a fan. . . . and I’m loyal, very loyal.
But today I’m still using Cubase/ Nuendo v11 - why ? . . . because development seems to be going backwards.
- Features are removed, sometimes quietly.
- Broken and half-implemented new features are never fixed.
- Working things are ‘changed’ just to ‘refresh’ not because of need, causing more things to break.
- I could go on . . . .
I ‘get it’ and I sympathise - It’s hard to find experienced staff and expensive to pay for development. You have decades of legacy code that (probably) nobody there knows how to modify or fix. Apple continues to move it’s goalposts. Those pesky accountants need you to justify every Euro spent.
It’s a tough business environment, so it’s easy, cheap and tempting just to change some stuff, throw in a couple of plugins, some new samples and call it an update, but Steinberg, you need to move forward.
When Charlie and Manfred started Steinberg they INNOVATED. They defined what a modern DAW was. They introduced far sighted technologies like ASIO and VST/VSTi. Just look at what was achieved in their first 10 years, it was amazing . . . . .now look at the last 10 years, it feels like stagnation and it can’t go on.
Steinberg you KNOW what we want - you asked and we have told you, many times:
Yes, you have picked off some low hanging fruit (IMO) and that’s welcomed, but the BIG changes that you need to move forward are nowhere to be seen.
I’m aware this is just a rant, but it is still my honest and considered opinion.
Wake up Steinberg, the world is not standing still, your customers have more superb DAW options than ever before. It might not seem it but we, your existing users, are on your side. So Steinberg, PLEASE listen to us, give us what we want and need . . . .and FIX some stuff. It may be painful but you might just find that it is an excellent long term business decision.
Make V14 a GAME CHANGER. . . . please.