is it possible, while caesura sign “playback” is not yet implemented,
to insert a short, completely hidden (e.g. 1/8) bar in an orchestral score, to exclude it from the bar count of the score in order to achieve a short extra “silence” in playback between timpani roll and the next bar? Please excuse me if this has already been asked…
I was going to write this but I have a feeling @Tilman_Fricke is after an actual gap in the sound. I’m not sure this is possible using the Tempo Track?
My usual solution is to create a hidden 5/4 measure for the measure with caesura (and hide the subsequent return 4/4 signature ) and hide final rest and adjust tempo of the last beat rest accordingly if needed… And manually adjust spacing as needed.
That’s what the tempo change does without added beats, without added time sigs, no changes to the structure and no changes to the spacing. And when Dorico adds playback support, to delete the hack, just select the signpost and press delete.
Good point. I suppose if you have a fast passage leading up to the Caesura, it would be tricky to add the tempo change without affecting note duration. Which is probably why @lafin chooses the solution he outlined.
I was not successful to achieve this with a simple tempo change without added beats, because in this case, the notation (ffpp) and duration of the timpano roll must be exactly 1/2 until it’s very end and may not be affected by tempo before the clarinet starts.
So the challenge was not to change the tempo of the timp. roll at its end,
but the tempo of the unnotated “short silence between the bars”,
It’s the magic moment when the conductor raises his eyebrow to gain the maximum attention of the orchestral musicians after the timpano roll has ended.
[And, thanks to Dorico Pro 5 and Noteperformer 4, it’s my very first orchestral piece I compose which is longer than 24 bars, to learn a lot and to get deeper into DPro5 & NP4’ “secrets”… I guess my sister, who is not a musician, will be again happy to receive another music piece from her brother for her birthday beginning of December ]
Kind regards,
I should also mention that, in my case, no adjustment of the spacing was necessary after processing “remove rests”
Is there any way to achieve this tempo change without shortening the timpano roll as well as not to affect the duration of the first clarinet note? Means, to lengthen the silence “between the bars”?
I was not successful with it and tried that before I posted, but I’ll admit that I’m a complete newbie to Dorico Pro 5 and only had experience with Capella 6-9 and MS3-4 before.
I only wanted to lengthen the silence between two notes/bars, not to shorten any note it in key editor, so I preferred the method Larrance uses for this workaround.