[CAN-6382]Mac users with GUI/graphics issue.

Yes, it’s a real problem for me too. I have an unflashed Nvidia GTX 960 in my Mac Pro 5,1 and actually considering buying an Nvidia 1070 card because it uses Pascal drivers that Apple has said the 5,1 supports. I’m wondering if anyone is using one with success? At this point I’ll try anything to make the GUI problems disappear.

Not a Mac user, so don’t kill me.
But what amount of onboard RAM has your gfx card, and how many screens @ what resolution are connected.
That is something that could be of general interest, just to see if there is a pattern.

I love Cubase, but I’ve had to go back to Logic for now as the UI issues have become too disruptive when I’m on a deadline.

It all boils down to the UI, it can be very slow at times (sometimes 2-3 seconds response just to duplicate a MIDI region), but the worst is that it often hard crashes when I drag a plugin from one slot to another.

Yeah. I know exactly what you are saying. It infuriates me. It baffles me how anyone can say there are not any problems. I figure I am going to upgrade my GFX card and if it doesn’t change anything I think I might go back to using a PC instead of Mac. I never had GUI problems when solely using PCs. Shuddering at the words “windows” and “format every two weeks” though.

Has anyone using a Mac Pro 6,1 reported any problems with the GUI cause if not, then that would be a better choice than a PC for me.

Happens on Mac Pro 6,1 as well.

I have had to switch to Logic as well. :confused:

Really? How can that be? I would have thought knowing the exact GPUs in the Macs would make it easier to code for instead of having to make drivers for an infinite selection of different possibilities? Shows how little I know. I have been having so many crashes that I am now taking drastic measures and have just formatted my OSX drive and reinstalling everything cleanly. I’m hoping it does something for performance. Anyway, I digress…

I feel everyone’s pain deeply on this - if you have a mac that supports OS 10.9.5 you owe to yourself to install it on a new partition and just test out both Cubase 9 and Cubase 8. Cubase 8.0.4 and 10.9.5 is the most lag free, stable combination I’ve found. Media bay loads immediately, zooming is fast with lots of audio waveforms on the screen and super fast if only using midi. I was on 10.11 with Cubase 9 and it was painful, all of the mac os’s after 10.9.5 feel laggy to me. Cubase 9 is much better on 10.9.5 but not nearly as good as Cubase 8.

Cubase 8.0.4 is snappier than Logic 10.2.2 (last supported version) on 10.9.5. I know this doesn’t help anyone who has a machine that won’t support mavericks but before making the jump to windows you should give it a try. I may consider getting an over clocked windows machine in the near future simply because I enjoy working with Cubase too much, want to use Cubase 9 on mac but it’s not polished as 8 is.

^ This here is an underrated question. It’s nice information to have in your signature anyway if you don’t already.

I’ve no idea how software programming works, but Studio One seems to be a good example of code that works well on both a Mac and PC. It’s certainly as smooth as butter for me and works equally well on high resolution screens. Like Logic, it also supports trackpad gestures like pinch and zoom, something I use a lot.

As I say I have no idea how these thinks are coded, so could well be completely off base, but it seems as if the developers are restricted by old ‘inflexible’ code (see the insert slot limitation thread for an example) which is holding back their ability to update the UI and fix issues.

I’d guess it could take years of work to create a new UI.

I could be talking out of my bum though.

After reading this article, I am tempted to get a Pascal card for my Mac Pro 5,1. Perhaps it won’t matter/make a difference but I guess I can always get a refund or sell the card on? Any thoughts?

Also, anyone got any thoughts about this?

Now THAT would be cool! I work between both Cubase and Logic, and I’m always naturally trying to zoom with the trackpad.

Honestly, I hope this GUI stuff gets resolved for everyone experiencing the issues. I cannot say I have any issues, and my system is snappy, crisp and solid (I also have two additional monitors connected to my MacBook). Why? I have no idea, but I will hold off on upgrading to a new Mac until it’s sorted :confused:

Save your money - it’s a software issue.

Agreed. I wouldn’t spend a dime on trying to fix issues that lay at the feet of Steinberg. These are not hardware issues.

I’m actually considering going back to PC. I never thought I’d say that.

Anyone with a post 2013 Mac Pro probably has an AMD card, so it won’t help us unfortunately.

AMD and NVIDIA video cards are not working correctly! If you have a higher resolution of 1080p then the graphics performance is very poor. :frowning:

Gentlemen, I implore you: let’s not derail this thread. This thread was created to help Fabio with people to report issues with their Macs, and I have been guilty for going off of that path, too, but am stopping after this post. He and Steinberg are working on this because they know it’s a significant issue for many – it’s why he made it a Sticky.

This thread is very specifically only about Mac users who are experiencing GUI issues, to report their issues and system stats.

There is no need to respond to this post – let’s just do the constructive thing that this thread was meant for (again, I’m guilty of derailing it here and there as well, and won’t any more). Thank you.

I am on board with you. I tried to send you a PM, but apparently I have no idea how to use the PM feature on here LOL… Cheers!