Can Cubase Logical editor do this?

Hello all, I am interested to know if logical editor can insert multiple cc11 points/values during the duration of 1 midi not played: The picture I have here was me drawing in the cc11 values roughly what I am looking for. I experimented quite a lot with CLE and I’ve never been able to get it to insert more than 1 continuous controller value. I’ve started with one of the factory presets where they take the attack velocity and convert it to a value of some cc MIDI controller. I like that, great start to what I want to do. But the moment I write in a CLE command to position the cursor about 60 PPQ’s past the start of the note, it doesn’t work right. I cant get my script to write any more than 1 data point on the cc11 display.

can this be executed? How if yes?


You can’t do this. The data, you Insert, always have to have any relation to already existing object.

But you can make a Macro of multiple Logical Editors.

Thanks Martin, I appreciate the info. That helps, I can stop beating my head out of shape trying to solution this.

I too thought of the macro idea, I can see that actually working. If I wanted to write 6 cc11 data points, then its 6 different Logic editor scripts that get orchestrated by the macro… but that does create a new problem. If I select 1 note and run the logic editor to insert the first data point in the track, that note ends up getting DESELECTED. So when the MACRO wants to go to the second LE script, it will do nothing because there is no note selected. Ideas?


Oh, you are right. I don’t know a workaround for this.

I think I may have found a way to pull this all off - multiple CLE scripts to accomplish the envelope shape I want of cc11. I noticed that if I select the “Range tool” around a note, the CLE script does its magic and the range (or note) stays selected for the second & more CLE scripts. BUT, it presents a new problem: Is there a way I can get my CC11’s to be CONNECTED LINEAR LINES instead of the abrupt square wave lines I get now? Searched the manual but not sure what to search on in terms of text to find out how to get what I want.


Yes, switch the Step mode over to the Ramp mode in the Controller Lane Setup, please.