Can dorico use rd 88 keyboard sounds as VST instruments?

Can dorico use rd 88 keyboard sounds as VST instruments? I have the rd 88 as a controller and wondering where in dorico you can select my specific keyboard.

You’d need a way to connect the audio output of the keyboard to your mixer/audio input to use the sounds from it.

And welcome to the forum!

I add my own welcome to the forum, Dave. To expand on Daniel’s answer a little bit, you cannot use the sounds from an external keyboard as VST instruments, but you can drive your keyboard via a MIDI interface in order to use the sounds built into your keyboard.

You’ll need some way to hear the sounds from your keyboard, so as Daniel says, you’ll need either to hook up speakers directly to your keyboard’s audio outputs, or send its audio output into an audio interface so that its sounds are mixed with your computer’s audio.

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In cubase, my rd88 will show up as a listed choice for imput. I assume it will not show up in dorico. It does however trigger notes via USB to computer in dotico so seems to be working as a controller. Is there anything I need to know about using the rd 88 as a controller in dorico?

You can see the activated Midi input devices in Preferences/Play/Midi Devices (and if the midi input via USB works as you say, you will see your keyboard visible and activated there). For the audio you can follow the above advices of the Daniels :slight_smile:

If you mean if Dorico has a MIDI Device Manager for the settings of the banks and patches for external MIDI devices, as in Cubase, I don’t think so.

(Cubase MIDI Device Manager):