Can Groove Agent 4 content be used by Halion 5?

Can Groove Agent 4 content be used by Halion 5?

GA4 is rather CPU hungry and my set up is ageing. (Don’t suggest upgrading my laptop…not unless Aldi UK start selling them again :slight_smile: ). Anyhow, I’m used to Halion 5.

Halion 5 shows the GA4 content in its media bay area but nothing loads when I double click the content (e.g. “Ringos Sons”).

However I am using the trial version of GA4.

Can anyone help? Steinberg?


Why do you think that HALion 5 can load GA4 kits? However their technological based is common, they are very different beasts.

So no, you can not load them into HALion 5.