Can I create a custom line with two repeatable symbols stacked vertically?

I’m trying to create a custom line that is essentially a wavy glissando with 2 dark tremolo bars beneath it. I can create a repeatable symbol that looks (more or less) how I want it.

Checking it in the repeatable symbols dialog with the “Show Multiple” button, the line looks more or less correct (I wouldn’t mind honing in on a couple stylistic things like thickness of the tremolo bars etc, but for now this is “close enough”).

But when I try to use that symbol in a new line body, it doesn’t stack the symbols vertically, but instead puts the wavy gliss right on top of the tremolo bars.

I wanted to double check to see if maybe it was just a glitch with the interface, so i also attempted to use it in an actual score. The line looked the same.

I’m not really sure what I’m doing incorrectly. The manual gives only the briefest overview of the symbol and line editors so I’m not sure if maybe I incorrectly defined the symbol or what.

I’d heavily appreciate anyone’s insight on the matter.

Thank you in advance!!!

Proselytizing Dorico bros assured me this sort of thing would be super easy in Dorico. It seems increasingly likely that the hack will be similar to what would have to be done with Sibelius - create the symbol in a vector program, export an svg, create a glyph for a font set from that, import the font to Dorico, then use that symbol as the basis for a line. It’s just slightly frustrating when, on paper at least, it seems that this sort of thing could be done 100% in Dorico. For some reason Dorico sets all glyphs used in a custom symbol to baseline 0 when used in the context of line.

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While I’m shouting into the empty void, it would be nice to be able to have basic design elements available to us directly in the symbol designer. Being able to make basic squares, rectangles, lines, curved lines, circles, ellipses (all filled or unfilled and controlling line thickness independently) would be SUPER handy so more could be done directly in Dorico instead of having to bounce between graphic editing programs for everything. I know it might be a tall order since that would require more illustrative capabilities in an application that is not primarily a vector designer, but sometimes just being able to make a box or a circle with a number or letter in it or draw a few lines is all you need. Finale was ugly and required a lot of manual adjustment, but I do miss some of those design elements they included.

Hi @Bryan_T, and welcome to the Forum.

I tried with a different method and it works fine:

Create a new horizontal line clicking on the +
You need then to begin with setting a Double line body (thick) (that you can customise as needed) and add the wiggly line (defined as Music Symbol in the Line annotation editor, using a wiggle in the Multi-segment lines category of Glyphs) as Center Annotation, and set the Vertical position to Above, the Repeat to Equidistant repetition and adjust the Repeat distance:


Dorico file example:

line annotation.dorico (427.9 KB)


BRILLIANT! I never would have thought to use the wave as annotated text.
Also, thank you for the extremely clear screenshots and walk through.


You are very welcome, @Bryan_T.

What an elegant solution, @Christian_R !