Can I do auto-banking with SSL UF8?

Is it possible to have a track selected in Cubase and have it immediately selected in SSL UF8?
I would be very happy to have auto-banking.
When I was using Avid Artist Mix, it was very convenient that the tracks selected in Cubase were immediately reflected in Artist Mix as well.

SSL UF8 is connected and used with Mackie Control.
““Cubase Menu / Studio / Studio Settings / Remote Device ( Legacy ) Mackie Control””

Cubase Pro 12 allows the use of Midi Remote, but when using the SSL UF8 with Midi Remote, the track names are not displayed and the level meters on the SSL UF8 are not displayed.

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Hi SoundSa,

I also use the SSL UF8 and the answer is NO, you can not select a channel on the Cubase screen and automatically have it show on your physical SSL UF8.

Sadly you have to use the CHANNEL dial OR the arrows on your UF8 and scroll until you see it highlighted in Cubase.

I have contacted SSL and they were trying to fix this issue (which they wont).
I also contacted Greg Ondo with a detailed video and he also said there is no way to do this.

This is very annoying especially when you have large projects with many tracks).


This is the email I sent and received from SSL…

Sent: 8 Nov, 15:16
Subject: UF8 and cubase


Thank you for contacting SSL support.

  1. This is a known issue and one that we hope to have fixed in the next update of the 360 app.
  2. I will send this to the product manager, the unit does have a ‘sleep mode’ where by if it is not used for a period of time it will shut down the the major power consuming parts of the unit.
  3. The colours are there for future updates.
  4. This is due to the amount of characters that the Midi signals sends over to the unit and is down to Cubases interpretation of of Midi.

Best regards,


Solid State Logic (UK Headquarters), 25 Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford, OX5 1RU, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842 300,

Sent: 5 Nov, 23:08
Subject: UF8 and cubase

Hi support.

Bought a UF8 yesterday. Solid peice of machinery. Got it all working with cubase. The video on your website was well done.

A couple of issues…

  1. UF8 does not update to the track selected in Cubase. The only way to get the UF8 to update to the track selected in Cubase is to use the cycle markers on the UF8. This doubles the workload.
  2. No power off option. Your website says to unplug it. This is an unrealistic solution. The plug is buried in the back. What if I have multiple units? No other hardware does this.
  3. Lighting. When the UF8 boots up it shows all these colours which are never seen again. The 360 has no option to optimize performance lighting.
  4. Track names are cut-off. This is probably a combatibilty issue with Cubase. I get it.

Hope you can provide a solution.

Thanks for the reply!
Thanks for showing me your inquiry and reply to SSL as well.

I still think this problem will be difficult to solve as long as you are using Mackie Control.
The hardware itself is very sturdy and the faders have a nice texture, so I sincerely hope the update will make it better.

“The only way to get the UF8 to update to the track selected in Cubase is to use the cycle markers on the UF8.”
I didn’t know this solution existed!

Hi Baycider,

I tried “The only way to get the UF8 to update to the track selected in Cubase is to use the cycle markers on the UF8. This doubles the workload.”

However, when I did this in UF8, Auto Banking did not do it. Can you tell me what settings you are using in Cubase and SSL360?


I have pasted my settings below. Both in Cubase and in SSL 360.
Hopefully this will work. Let me know…

Also, here is the update from SSL regarding the automatic cycling issues. I emailed SSL yesterday…


I dealt with your questions from last time and, I have passed on all of your questions/suggestions to the product manager for review again. here is what I know.

  1. track follow is something that were are trying to get cubase to implement on their MCU output and we are working with them on this. I can not say when it will be available but we are hoping that it will be in the next 360 release in Autumn.
  2. I do not think there will be power off function in 360 but i can ask that they add it in.
  3. This is now for the product manager to decide.
  4. you are correct and this is dependant on how many characters are available from cubase and how many we can show without them becoming unreadable.

Please remember we have limited resources and our product managers are being bombarded with requests daily. they have to decide where the resource goes and what is more important to the functions of all UF8 users.

Best regards,

Lee Williams

Solid State Logic (UK Headquarters), 25 Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford, OX5 1RU, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842 300,

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Thanks for showing us the detailed setup.

Sorry, I was mistaken.
“The only way to get the UF8 to update to the track selected in Cubase is to use the cycle markers on the UF8.” is to add the cycle markers on the UF8 to the selected I thought it was to be able to auto bank to the selected track.
However, when I look at youtube, I see that it is operated by turning a dial in UF8, so it is still not possible.

I also recently sent a message to SSL support ( to be able to do auto banking.
I hope it will be implemented as soon as possible.