Can I get this Finale bracket style in Dorico?

Hi there - is there a way to get this bracket style with the straight wings in Dorico? It’s my preferred style and one that was available by default in Finale… I’ve been looking through the brackets and braces options in Engraving options, but haven’t found anything. Any help would be appreciated!


You would need a SMuFL font with different glyphs at U+E003 and E004. I have not seen a font with straight bracket tips so far.

Finale anecdote …

Interesting that this should come back around after 35½ years. I happen to have been the one to complain to Coda Music Software in 1989 that the bracket should have curved tips (as in all plate engravings). They subsequently introduced the option (and, over the next 10 years, a couple dozen other features and improvements from my 9-page letter).


That sounds a little more complex than I’m interested in. I’m not stuck on that style - in the end, I want to use what is considered the most standard / professional. I’ve seen various styles in various hymnbooks, including this style, a thick bar, and a thin bar (no bracket). I do like the look of a bracket, as compared to just a thin line.

Am I correctly understanding you to be saying that the curved tips would be a preferred choice for a professional-looking, hymn-style engraving?

Definitely, Dorico’s normal bracket is quite standard. The only reason you would be used to seeing the above bracket is Finale.

I’ve never seen that before…

It’s true that straight wings were an option in Finale, but I do agree with everyone else that curves are by far the more standard.

Mmmm. graphics.


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Thanks @Mark_Johnson, @dan_kreider, and @benwiggy for the input! In that case, I shall proceed to use the curved tips.

Just wanted to mention, for anyone who stumbles upon this thread, that the wingless version that was pretty standard on manuscript pads is also available:

I don’t use that one personally , but many of the Judy Green score pads still do:

Back in my Finale days, I was often used that one when setting up manuscript templates for composers who wanted custom manuscript.

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