Can I upgrade my project which created by Element to Pro version?

I bought the Cubase 13 Pro yesterday.
And I created a project by Element previously.
But when I opened the project from the Pro Hub, the window convert to Element version automatically.
How to convert the project to Pro version?

Hi, @oooo6098

Could you make a screenshot showing the process when it occurs ? I ask this, because I never heard or read about different project .cpr file versions in a same given Cubase generation.

I’m unable to test it, but I have read in several places that even Pro made projects can be opend with Artist or Elements, with the limitations of these versions, of course…

IOW, your Elements made projects should open without issue in Pro…

Sure. Here is my process.

Maybe I tried to delete the Element version to re-open the project

Sorry, but I don’t see in which way your video (far too quick), is related to a supposed incompatibility between Elements and Pro, when dealing with project files.

And if it’s the label on the upper left of the window that makes you wonder, just try to save a different version of the existing project, with the File > Save as… command, close the project, relaunch it and see the result.

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Oh, so it is only the title label error.
I use the “Save New Version” to solve it.
Sorry about the short video, because the upload size limitation is 4mb, I shorten my video to upload.
Thank you very much.

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