Can someone remind me how to export DORICO keyboard shortcuts?

It’s for a student who has recently bought Dorico (and I already tried searching on Google). I’m on a Mac.

Check in %appdata%\Steinberg\Dorico 2 on Windows, or ~/Library/Preferences on Mac. You can transfer those files over.

The only relevant-seeming file I see in the folder you suggested (on my Mac) is com.steinberg.dorico2.plist but when examining the file it’s hard to tell if it’s keyboard shortcut-related info (pardon my computer programming ignorance). I guess a follow-up to the developers would be: any chance of making it even easier to share keyboard shortcuts via an “Export/import keyboard shortcuts” command right from within the program (as they have in programs like Logic, etc.?) (just curious!)
Best -

  • D.D.

D.D, not sure how it looks on Mac, but here’s my appdata folder in Windows. You can see the data is pretty well parsed out:

I’m afraid Dan’s misinformed. It’s actually within the program bundle on Mac. Go into your Applications folder, right-click on Dorico 2, then “Show Package Contents”. You’ll find the full path at the bottom of this screenshot.

Not necessarily. It depends whether you want to export USER-DEFINED changes, or the standard set. (And what you plan to do with them after.) User-defined changes are indeed in /Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 2/

I would not recommend making changes to the contents of the app bundle.

You’re of course correct, Ben. It’s still not where Dan said it was, though :wink:

Those darn Macs…


Is there any functionality in Dorico itself for importing or exporting Preferences (including user created key commands), or is that something planned for the future? Otherwise there’s always the chance a user could muck things up by copying around files like this behind the scenes.

Precisely. I’m hoping (for example) to teach a university course involving Dorico soon and it would be helpful to have a way to more easily and safely share keyboard shortcuts…

It’s safe to simply copy the whole “Dorico 2” folder from %APPDATA%\Steinberg on Windows or /Users/your-username/Library/Application Support/Steinberg and use it on another machine. That will transfer preferences, key commands, any user-defined library items you’ve made, etc., etc.

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Is this still and 100% guaranteed (copy-pasing the Dorico 3 appl. support folder to transfer prefernces and shortcuts)? I’m in the middle of a big orchestral project at the moment, deadline’s ahead, and Dorico suddenly starts reacting really badly luggish and I can’t find a way to fix this (Support Request has been sent already). I’m in hope that a fresh install may help here, but I can’t risk to lose my preferences and keyboard shortcuts. That would easily cost me another 6-8 hours…

Reinstalling Dorico is unlikely to change its performance characteristics. It seems more likely that the performance issue is related to your specific project instead. If you have condensing switched on, that will certainly make editing the score much slower, so you might want to try switching it off until all music entry is complete. If that doesn’t help, please zip up and attach the project here or email it to me at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de with details of what especially is slow and we’ll be able to advise further.

As this just came up on Facebook, a warning to people copying their Dorico 3 user data to another computer, via the method listed above:

Dorico 3 (on the new computer) may complain that it can’t find your AutoSave folder. If you see error messages to this effect, you’ll need to correct via the backdoor, as in Dorico 3 it is no longer possible to choose your own AutoSave folder.

In the folder mentioned further up this thread there is a file called preferences.xml
It contains all sorts of program preferences including the paths for your Autosave and Backup folders.

The quickest way to resolve the issue is simply to delete preferences.xml. The next time you launch Dorico 3 it’ll recreate the preferences file with a valid AutoSave folder path. If you go down this route you’ll lose any custom Preferences (intentional title case - I mean the Preferences dialog specifically), but not Key Commands; these are elsewhere.

The alternative is to open preferences.xml in a good text editor and manually fix lines 120, 124 and 128.

Hi all,
This thread appears to not be accurate for moving to Dorico 4, as the App Support folder is VERY different looking on the Dorico 4 computer than the Dorico 3 one. Has anyone figured out how to bring preferences/key commands over to Dorico 4 yet? Thank you!

I can only tell for Windows. You’ll find keycommands_en.json and preferences.xml in:
User\Name\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Dorico 4

This is an old thread, certainly, but apart from “Dorico 4” versus “Dorico 3”, the folders should be broadly similar.

Make sure you’re looking in the USER Library, not the root level Library.

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Also note that if you still have your Dorico 3 installation, when you install Dorico 4 your custom keyboard shortcuts are automatically copied to the appropriate location.

Ohhhhh HAHA I see what’s happened. I’ve gotten ahead of myself and the order made things look incorrect. I’m setting up a new machine and thought just installing Dorico would set up the folder structure, but as it turns out, the Dorico 4 folder isn’t created until I’ve actually run the application! Yes, it looks correct now and I can copy the Dorico 3 files over. It didn’t occur to me that the folder would be generated after opening the first time!